Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our Power of Creation

Welcome to
My Truths of Healing Blog

Understanding the spiritual foundationof our human design
is essential to health and healing.

Our Power of Creation
I find it extremely important to remember that "I am my own creator", because I am literally creating my own reality every second that I breathe. How do I create my reality?

1. Acquire the knowledge to understand the truth of who I am and what I am.
2. Understand that I am a chemical being of electromagnetic energy.
3. Everything in our world is created from chemicals; the trees, the flowers,
the soil, the animals, the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the air we
breathe, the water we drink, and our physical body.
4. Understanding that we are made out of the identical chemicals (as minerals),
that are found in the whole pure Organic foods of nature, helps us to
understand that in order to maintain the health of our physical body brain,we
must eat the pure Organic foods that are grown without the use
of pesticides, insecticides, hormones, steroids, and antibiotics,
because these are toxic chemicals that do not support the cells in being
healthy and in balance. All food sources that have been genetically altered
and/or modified in any form are also extremely unhealthy for us.
5. The relationship of the healthy chemicals in the Organic foods to our
physical,mental and emotional health is significant - it is the difference
between health and disease on all levels of our being.
6. Drinking plenty of pure spring or mineral water is essential to our health.
Our cells must have the Hydrogen and Oxygen (chemicals) that create water.
7. Deep breathing througout the day, every day of our life, is also extremely
important. The cells need the Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon and other
(chemical) gases to create cellular health.

Our physical body, our brain, our mind, our feelings and emotions are all part of our reality and if we want to create a healthy reality for ourselves, we must honor, respect and value the cellular structure of our body and brain and the incredibly magnificent nervous system that gives us life as our electromagnetic chemical energy. Cellular communication will break down if the infrastructure of the cellular system loses its integrity. Much like the foundation of a building that is under construction, if the foundation is built from flimsy, weak inferior materials the building will lack integrity within its design. Then what happens? The building will eventually crumble, and deteriorate, and our cellular structure is much the same way.

If we want a healthy strong and durable physical body that will serve us well for many years of our life, we must understand the appropriate manner in which to care for it. WE ARE OUR CELLS. Our cellular health can only be as good as we create it to be! You wouldn't put sugar in the gas tank of your car because you know that would be harmful to the car. It would gum up the engine, right? Why do we put harmful substances into our physical body that allow it to fall apart? Usually it is because we have not been taught the truth of what we are supposed to eat in order to create health because medicine insists that all food is good food. It is NOT!

Other enormously significant elements that determine what kind of reality we create for ourselves is related to our thinking, speaking, behaviors, and our feelings and emotions.We are taught very little about our "mind" and what the mind truly is and how it works and how it relates to the 'whole of self'. The connection between our mind and our body is the most profoundly intimate connection one can imagine.

Think about what I have written, and allow yourself to feel the truth of my words. You and your body are very precious. Without a healthy body and brain, we cannot enjoy the beauty of life as it is meant to be enjoyed. Our body is the physical vehicle for the soul and spirit essence of us. I shall share more with you, and until then may you be in the healing energy of love and truth,

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